Results for 'José A. Reyna'

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  1. La noción de Maya en la filosofía hindú según la interpretación de S. Radhakrishnam.José A. Reyna - 1993 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 28:111-126.
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  2. Con Spinoza en el umbral civilizatorio actual.Emma León, Reyna Carretero & José Ezcurdia (eds.) - 2022 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Dirección General de Divulgación de las Humanidades.
    In this epistolary exploration, scholars delve into Spinozas profound observations, offering urgent insights for our contemporary crossroads. Illuminates Spinoza s relevance, emphasizing the need to prioritize love, generosity, and solidarity as the bedrock of an ethical responsibility. These letters, a beacon of wisdom nowadays, implore us to recognize our shared dependence and embrace a new ethical framework. Amidst societal disintegration, Spinoza s teachings serve as a guiding light, ushering us toward a profound transformation, where compassion and understanding shape a future (...)
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  3. Infinity.José A. Benardete - 1964 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  4.  69
    An effective strategy for integrating ethics across the curriculum in engineering: An ABET 2000 challenge.José A. Cruz & William J. Frey - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (4):543-568.
    This paper describes a one-day workshop format for introducing ethics into the engineering curriculum prepared at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM). It responds to the ethics criteria newly integrated into the accreditation process by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). It also employs an ethics across the curriculum (EAC) approach; engineers identify the ethical issues, write cases that dramatize these issues, and then develop exercises making use of these cases that are specially tailored to mainstream (...)
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    Fuzzy Trace Theory and Medical Decisions by Minors: Differences in Reasoning between Adolescents and Adults.E. A. Wilhelms & V. F. Reyna - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (3):268-282.
    Standard models of adolescent risk taking posit that the cognitive abilities of adolescents and adults are equivalent, and that increases in risk taking that occur during adolescence are the result of socio emotional differences in impulsivity, sensation seeking, and lack of self-control. Fuzzy-trace theory incorporates these socio emotional differences. However, it predicts that there are also cognitive differences between adolescents and adults, specifically that there are developmental increases in gist-based intuition that reflects understanding. Gist understanding, as opposed to verbatim-based analysis, (...)
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    The analytic a posteriori and the foundations of metaphysics.José A. Benardete - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (12):503-514.
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  7. A Program For The Individuation Of Scientific Concepts.Jose A. Diez - 2002 - Synthese 130 (1):13-47.
    Within post - Kuhnian, philosophy of science, much effort has been devoted to issues related to conceptual change, such as incommensurability, scientific progress and realism, but mostly in terms of reference, without a fine - grained theory of scientific concepts/senses. Within the philosophy of language and of mind tradition, there is a large body of work on concepts, but the application to scientific concepts has been very tentative. The aim of this paper is to propose a general framework for a (...)
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  8.  41
    H. Arendt y Th. W. Adorno: pensar frente a la barbarie.José A. Zamora - 2010 - Arbor 186 (742):245-263.
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    On Popper’s strong inductivism.José A. Díez - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (1):105-116.
    It is generally accepted that Popper‘s degree of corroboration, though “inductivist” in a very general and weak sense, is not inductivist in a strong sense, i.e. when by ‘inductivism’ we mean the thesis that the right measure of evidential support has a probabilistic character. The aim of this paper is to challenge this common view by arguing that Popper can be regarded as an inductivist, not only in the weak broad sense but also in a narrower, probabilistic sense. In section (...)
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  10.  28
    Scientific Representation as Ensemble-Plus-Standing-For: A Moderate Fictionalist Account.José A. Díez - 2021 - In Alejandro Cassini & Juan Redmond (eds.), Models and Idealizations in Science: Artifactual and Fictional Approaches. Springer Verlag. pp. 115-131.
    José A. Díez examines the reasons for claiming that models involve fictions. He opposes the claim that, in order to account for some key features of the practice of modeling in science, such as the existence of unsuccessful representations and also of successful yet inaccurate or idealized ones, it is necessary to accept fictional entities. In resisting such a view, he sketches an account of scientific modeling and argue that according to such account there is no need for strong (...)
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  11.  32
    A Routley-Meyer Semantics For Converse Ackermann Property.Jose A. Mendez - 1987 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 16 (February):65-76.
  12. Sense-perception and the a priori.José A. Benardete - 1969 - Mind 78 (310):161-177.
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    Is there a problem about logical possibility?José A. Benardete - 1962 - Mind 71 (283):342-352.
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  14.  35
    Th. W. Adorno y la aniquilación del individuo.José A. Zamora - 2003 - Isegoría 28:231-243.
    Th. W. Adorno y los demás autores de la Teoría Crítica supieron captar procesos sociales incipientes que no han hecho sino desplegarse y confirmarse con el tiempo. Frente a quienes denuncian sus supuestas aporías y exagerado negativismo, se reivindica aquí la actualidad de una de sus tesis más conocidas y discutidas, la de la aniquilación del individuo. El paso del capitalismo liberal al monopolista sirve de horizonte para analizar las contradicciones del individuo burgués y su constitución social. En una segunda (...)
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  15.  33
    Th. W. Adorno y la praxis necesaria. Prolegómenos a una propuesta de ética negativa.José A. Zamora - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:23-32.
    En la búsqueda de una ética para nuestro tiempo, el autor acude a la obra de Adorno para examinar la relación dialéctica entre praxis y teoría, y afirma que el nuevo concepto de praxis que emerge de esta relación podría guiarnos en la construcción de una ética más crítica que la mayoría de morales, constituidas únicamente por un sistema de normas. El autor defiende la concepción adorniana sobre el lugar del sujeto en la sociedad, que pretende despertar en este sujeto (...)
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    Pathways Into Psychosocial Adjustment in Children: Modeling the Effects of Trait Emotional Intelligence, Social-Emotional Problems, and Gender.Jose A. Piqueras, Ornela Mateu-Martínez, Javier Cejudo & Juan-Carlos Pérez-González - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17.  12
    Comentarios en torno a Bunge, Margáin y la paradoja.José A. Robles - 1976 - Critica 8 (23):105-113.
  18.  22
    Infinity and Continuity in Ancient and Medieval Thought. [REVIEW]José A. Benardete - 1984 - Noûs 18 (2):367-373.
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    Constructing populations in biobanking.Jose A. Cañada, Karoliina Snell & Aaro Tupasela - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1).
    This article poses the question of whether biobanking practices and standards are giving rise to the construction of populations from which various biobanking initiatives increasingly draw on for legitimacy? We argue that although recent biobanking policies encourage various forms of engagement with publics to ensure legitimacy, different biobanks conceptualize their engagement strategies very differently. We suggest that biobanks undertake a broad range of different strategies with regard to engagement. We argue that these different approaches to engagement strategies are contributing to (...)
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  20. La muerte como posibilidad y proyecto existencial : la comprensión cristiana y heideggeriana de la muerte.José A. Castañeda Vargas - 2014 - In Díaz Cárdenas & J. Gloria (eds.), El problema de la muerte: perspectivas de estudio. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Uniminuto, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios.
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  21. Hayen, André, S. J.: Saint Thoma D'aquin Et La Vie De L'église.A. G. José & Staff - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (52):166.
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  22. Alcune fonti dell'antropologia di San Tommaso (prima parte).José A. Labeaga - 2001 - Alpha Omega 4 (3):415-465.
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    Continuity and the theory of measurement.José A. Benardete - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (14):411-430.
  24.  29
    Tratado sobre O principado temporal - francisco meyronnes.José A. De C. R. Souza - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (3):473-486.
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    The fifth chemical revolution: 1973–1999.José A. Chamizo - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 19 (2):157-179.
    A new chronology is introduced to address the history of chemistry, with educational purposes, particularly for the end of the twentieth century and here identified as the fifth chemical revolution. Each revolution are considered in terms of the Kuhnian notion of ‘exemplar,’ rather than ‘paradigm.’ This approach enables the incorporation of instruments, as well as concepts and the rise of new subdisciplines into the revolutionary process and provides a more adequate representation of such periods of development and consolidation. The fifth (...)
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  26.  62
    Tuomela, Raimo. A Theory of Social Action. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1984.José A. López Cerezo - 1986 - Theoria 52 (1-2):123-126.
  27. Humanismo de la fe y humanismo de las obras:(un análisis desde la alienación de la técnica).José A. Santiago Sánchez - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:10.
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  28.  45
    Aristotle's Argument from Time.José A. Benardete - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (3):361 - 369.
    Thomas Aquinas, in his commentary on the Metaphysics, offers a faithful rendering of the argument in the course of his almost literal paraphrase; but in the Summa Contra Gentiles, when he undertakes to give "the arguments by which Aristotle sets out to prove the existence of God," the argument from time is strangely omitted. Thomas is not peculiar in this omission. Maimonides before him evinces no recognition of the argument from time, and I am aware of no modern discussion of (...)
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  29. El anarquismo humanista de Ricardo Mella.José A. Lobo - 1979 - Estudios Filosóficos 28:66-87.
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    Crítica de libros.José A. Zamora, Antonio Casado da Rocha, Jorge Riechmann, Adrián Almazán, Carmen Madorrán Ayerra, Javier Romero Muñoz, Fernando Arribas Herguedas, Javier Cigüela Sola, Alfredo Saldaña Sagredo, Clara Navarro Ruiz, Cristopher Morales, Manuel Toscano, Roberto Navarrete Alonso & Ignacio Castro - 2016 - Isegoría 55:707.
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    I want it small or, rather, give me a bunch: the role of evaluative morphology on the assessment of the emotional properties of words.José A. Hinojosa, Juan Haro, Rocío Calvillo-Torres, Lucía González-Arias, Claudia Poch & Pilar Ferré - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1203-1210.
    Evaluative markers of diminution and augmentation typically express quantity or intensity. Prior evidence suggests that they also convey emotions, although it remains unexplored as to whether this function is mediated by their role in expressing quantification/intensification. Here we investigated the effects of evaluative suffixes on the assessment of word affective properties by asking participants (N = 300) to score valence and arousal features for augmentatives, diminutives and base words with negative, positive or neutral valence. Diminutives and, to a lesser extent, (...)
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  32.  9
    Logic and Ontology: Numbers and Sets.José A. Benardete - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette (ed.), A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 349–364.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Sher's Weak Logicism Finiteness, an Infinite Sentence and Skolem Back to Strong Logicism? Benacerraf's Challenge An Anti‐realist Frege? Second‐order Logic and Sets Skolem (Again) and Megethology.
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  33.  47
    Outness.José A. Benardete - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (8):317-322.
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  34.  38
    Ambivalence in Environmental Care: Marine Care Ethics and More-Than-Human Relations in the Conservation of Seagrass Posidonia oceanica.Jose A. Cañada - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (2):1-18.
    Posidonia oceanicais an endemic seagrass from the mediterranean that provides key ecosystem services. A protected species, its presence is regressing due to anthropogenic pressures, some associated to the tourism economy that much of the Mediterranean coast depends on. In 1992, the European Union declared it a priority habitat, and since the early 2000s, it has occupied a central space in marine conservation debates in the Balearic Islands. Popularly known as Posidonia, this seagrass went from being considereddirtthat ruinedvirginBalearic beaches to become (...)
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  35.  14
    Erasmus on the Just War.Jose A. Fernandez - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (2):209.
  36.  60
    (1 other version)Congreso Mundial sobre la Ciencia, UNESCO-ICSU, Budapest, 26 de junio-1 de julio de 1999.Cerezo José A. López - 2000 - Theoria 15 (1):185-187.
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    Presentación Ser y Tiempo En Sanmartín.José A. López Cerezo - 2018 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 15:19-26.
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    Combating STEM Moral Disengagement.José A. Cruz & William Frey - 2024 - Teaching Ethics 24 (1):53-74.
    Arguably, STEM undergraduate education has narrowed student engagement with the social, ethical, and global. Our paper argues that disengagement is caused by a failure of moral imagination. We propose socio-technical analysis as the cornerstone to a more inclusive approach to STEM education. It promotes four activities: (1) zooming in on technologies by describing their structure, function, and embedded values; (2) zooming out to the surrounding socio-technical system which constrains and enables the technology’s functioning; (3) moving back-and-forth through Appropriate Technology to (...)
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    Cellular oscillations and the regulation of growth: the pollen tube paradigm.José A. Feijó, Joaquim Sainhas, Terena Holdaway-Clarke, M. Sofia Cordeiro, Joseph G. Kunkel & Peter K. Hepler - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (1):86-94.
    The occurrence of oscillatory behaviours in living cells can be viewed as a visible consequence of stable, regulatory homeostatic cycles. Therefore, they may be used as experimental windows on the underlying physiological mechanisms. Recent studies show that growing pollen tubes are an excellent biological model for these purposes. They unite experimental simplicity with clear oscillatory patterns of both structural and temporal features, most being measurable during real‐time in live cells. There is evidence that these cellular oscillators involve an integrated input (...)
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    (1 other version)A general representation for internal proportional cornbinatorial measurement systems when the operation is not necessari!Y closed.José A. Díez - 1999 - Theoria 14 (1):157-178.
    The aim of this paper is to give one kind of internal proportional systems with general representation and without closure and finiteness assumptions. First, we introduce the notions of internal proportional system and of general representation. Second, we briefly review the existing results which motivate our generalization. Third, we present the new systems, characterized by the fact that the linear order induced by the comparison weak order ≥ at the level of equivalence classes is also a weIl order. We prove (...)
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  41.  19
    The Medieval Reception of Aristotle’s Passage on Natural Justice.José A. Poblete - 2020 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (2):211-238.
    This essay argues that Robert Grosseteste’s Latin translation of Aristotle’s passage on natural justice was philosophically determinant for its medieval reception. By altering the passage, Grosseteste allowed for a reconciliation of prima facie opposing views on natural law, namely: On one hand, the Ciceronian-Stoic and Augustinian-Neoplatonic idea that natural law is primarily immutable; and on the other, Aristotle’s claim that all things that are naturally just are subject to change. Focusing on Albert the Great’s first commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics, (...)
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    Translation or Alteration? Grosseteste's Latin Version of Aristotle's Account of Natural Justice.José A. Poblete - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (4):601-627.
    it may be debatable whether or not the passage on natural justice from the Nicomachean Ethics is a crucial component of Aristotle's account of justice and politics; nonetheless, its enormous influence on western ethical and juridical theory is unquestionable. This influence is largely due to the enthusiastic reception of that passage by medieval thinkers who paid somewhat exaggerated attention to this brief and obscure passage.The thirteenth-century philosophical scene has rightly been described as an 'Aristotelian crisis.' The general Christian view of (...)
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  43. La creación de la nada: ¿apoteosis de la producción o misterio revelado?Josè A. Rivera - 1997 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 32 (70):123-146.
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  44. Berkeley: distinción y separación.JosÉ A. Robles - 1989 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 24 (54):81.
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  45. J. N. Crossley and others, "what is mathematical logic?".José A. Robles - 1975 - Critica 7 (21):120.
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    About continuity and rupture in the history of chemistry: the fourth chemical revolution.José A. Chamizo - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (1):11-29.
    A layered interpretation of the history of chemistry is discussed through chemical revolutions. A chemical revolution mainly by emplacement, instead of replacement, procedures were identified by: a radical reinterpretation of existing thought recognized by contemporaries themselves, which means the appearance of new concepts and the arrival of new theories; the use of new instruments changed the way in which its practitioners looked and worked in the world and through exemplars, new entities were discovered or incorporated; the opening of new subdisciplines, (...)
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    Orientaciones pontificias: enseñanzas mariológicas en el año mariano.José A. Aldama - 1954 - Salmanticensis 1 (3):722-737.
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    Estética del horror. Negatividad y representación después de Auschwitz.José A. Zamora - 2000 - Isegoría 23:183-196.
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    AI and The Synthetic A Priori.José A. Benardete - 1994 - In Murray Michael & John O'Leary-Hawthorne (eds.), Philosophy in Mind: The Place of Philosophy in the Study of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 9--22.
  50. Un tratado renascentista: El de scribendis virorum illustrium vitiis sermo de Giovanni Antonio Viperano.José A. Sánchez Marín - 2001 - Humanitas 53:365-384.
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